Studio Clash — United in Strangeness

Als Studio Clash gründeten wir im November 2018 ein experimentelles Design Studio, in dem 12 ausgewählte immigrierte Kreative aus aller Welt in Basel gemeinsam arbeiteten. Wir suchten gemeinsam Wege, um möglichst divers im heimischen Markt aktiv zu werden. Experimentierten, probierten, diskutierten und kreierten. So ist auch das Motto von Studio Clash, United in Strangeness, zu verstehen. Am Ende dieses Wagnisses steht der Wille, ein gemeinsames Netzwerk und eine ständige Vertregung in Basel aufzubauen. Und für diesen Zweck sammeln wir Kreative, PartnerInnen, UnterstützerInnen, FreundInnen, GönnerInnen und Spenden.

Design as a transcultural, integrative format
Studio Clash has been established as a month-long experimental design studio, in which 12 selected immigrants or asylum seeking creatives from all over the world work together in Basel, Switzerland. Under the slogan United in Strangeness the main objective of Studio Clash is to raise public awareness, create a network and establish a permanent representation for creative immigrants, refugees and supporters in the city. For this purpose we collect creative people, partners, supporters, friends, patrons and donations.

Fear keeps your raus! 

We combined our talents to express the feelings, situations or life in general as a migrant in this beautiful Switzerland.
As a first series of posters, we had Raja (Painter) and the Tape-Battle-team (Giacomo, Gustavo, Jan, Meret, Mahmoud, Szilvia and Vincent) teaming up for creation. In one very productiv and intense week, we found a way to express our thoughts, feelings and attitude.




One of the formats we developped is the Dinner Clash. A dinner-get-together-happening with battling recipies, drinks and decoration. Done by the team. To meet and build up a new creative network in town. All guests are invited and related to the creative industry, possible clients and who possibly would be interesting for the team.